Far 2 Fabulous

Celebrating Milestones: Growing Our Fabulous Community Together

Julie Clark & Catherine Chapman Episode 50

Episode 50
Celebrating a significant milestone, our 50th episode of "Far Too Fabulous" brings together the joy of our journey and the wisdom of our remarkable guests like Helen Lauer and Sarah Johnson. As we reflect on nearly 3,000 downloads, we acknowledge the challenge of measuring true engagement through streaming versus downloads. The growth of our community has been our greatest reward, and we invite you to keep it thriving by sharing your thoughts and suggestions for future guests. Let’s continue this enriching dialogue in our Facebook group as we embrace the season of giving and appreciation.

Your support has been instrumental in helping us aim to connect with a thousand women in our first year. By subscribing, leaving a review, and spreading the word to friends and family, you contribute to what could be life-changing experiences. Stay connected with us on social media and simplify your engagement by joining our podcast mailing list—links are ready for you in the show notes. Your engagement fuels our passion and success, and we’re thrilled to keep growing this fabulous community with your help.

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Thank you for listening.

You can continue the conversation with us in the Far 2 Fabulous Facebook group. Come and connect with other women on a journey to empowered health.

For more information about Julie Clark Nutrition, click HERE
For more information about Catherine Chapman, click HERE

We look forward to you joining us on the next episode.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Far Too Fabulous hosted by Julie and.

Speaker 2:

Catherine, join us on a mission to embrace your fabulousness and redefine wellness. Get ready for some feistiness, inspiration, candid chats and humour as we journey together towards empowered well-being.

Speaker 1:

Let's dive in. Hello and welcome to the final podcast episode for this year. So we have done. This is our 50th episode and we're feeling quite proud of ourselves. We are absolutely. Yeah, it's a real achievement. I think it is because we've committed to put out a podcast episode every single week. Yeah, and that's been quite challenging sometimes with our schedules and things, but we've yeah, we've managed to do that. So we thought, given that it's, you know, nearly the end of the year, we're just reviewing what we've kind of done over the year and just thanking some of our guests that have been on and saying thank you to you for listening to us. Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

So we so, as Julie said, this is our 50th episode, which is incredible. We didn't start until middle of january, so it definitely was not going to be our 52nd, but, um, it's really fantastic achievement. We have had almost 3 000 downloads. Just I've actually, I think I've only just let that sink in three thousand downloads, and that's just the people that have downloaded. So I don't know about you, but if I listen to a podcast, I don't download it, I just stream it no, I do that as well, and it's a little bit frustrating sometimes for us, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

when we don't know how many people are actually listening and you kind of just hear it. Sometimes, when you get snippets from people in conversation, you know, or someone will say, oh I, I heard you talking on the podcast and and someone recommended you or something like that, and you're like, oh it is, it is kind of getting out there, but you, we don't really know, do we? We only get the downloads yeah, but 3 000 is. It's a real amazing for a new, for a new podcast.

Speaker 2:

Is is good yeah, absolutely, especially when most podcasts, if you remember, don't go past something like episode 21 yeah, episode 21.

Speaker 1:

That's right, because I remember that that donna, who was our podcast mentor, was telling us to get three done, initially, because lots of podcasts out there only have three episodes. Yeah, and then as you start to get beyond that 21 episodes, you start to change, I think, in the algorithms and things and yeah, so it's very, it's very cool.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely they know that we are a force to be reckoned with now in the podcast world and we've been on the charts.

Speaker 1:

We have. We've even been above Dr Chatterjee at some point. Ooh.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we'd like to be on Dr Chatterjee's podcast, please one day. Thank you please.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and if you know, we might consider letting him on ours. But you know, I don't know consider letting him on ours.

Speaker 2:

But you know, I don't know, we're quite fussy, yeah, aren't we? We've had some really stunning guests, so let's say huge thank yous to helen lauer and sarah johnson and sarah williamson and manaz sharif and ruth cooper, dixon, talia zamora, j Josh Netherwood, caroline Lyons, yasan Lewis have all been our guests this year and they've just been.

Speaker 1:

We've had such wonderful conversations yeah, we've really enjoyed those chats, haven't we? And they've tended to go a lot longer because we've really been enjoying ourselves and I remember a couple of episodes that we've had a guest on we feel like we haven't even really spoken. No, it's the only way to shut us up, quite frankly yeah someone comes and is a guest yeah, because we do.

Speaker 2:

I remember that, but was Helen our first guest?

Speaker 1:

I'm not sure I can't remember, but she was fabulous, wasn't she?

Speaker 2:

we were just we were just so quiet and watching her on the screen and it was just I really enjoyed that so much knowledge.

Speaker 1:

Do you know what? I think we should ask our listeners if they have any recommendations for guests that we should, we should have on. Because a good one? Yeah, because we all got people that we follow or listen to or we've seen and we you know. You might think, oh, that's a good fit for julie and katherine.

Speaker 2:

Let's yeah, please put it in a facebook group yeah, come into the far too fabulous facebook group and let us know that is so. We were talking about the frustration of downloads, because we've got nearly 3 000 downloads but someone could download it and not listen to it, or someone could listen to it without downloading, yeah. So it's really hard to gauge. So we decided at the beginning that we wanted the Facebook group to be able to gauge how many people were listening and engaging with our podcast. So if you are a regular listener, or if you're not a regular listener and would like to become one, just come into the Facebook group, just join it, say hi and carry on the conversation, because I don't know if you've noticed, but we quite like talking.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, since it's the season of giving and I know we're just slightly beyond that, only just though, only just, only just slightly beyond that. I think for us, if we got any feedback in the Facebook group, that would absolutely make our day, wouldn't it? Or make our year, because when you, I mean, we're obviously having fun doing this. We really enjoy it, don't we Having these chats, and I'm really glad that we did this together and that I'm not doing a solo podcast, because it's really good to bounce off each other and stuff. It feels weird when we do solo ones, right?

Speaker 2:

It's so weird when you're just talking to yourself it is.

Speaker 1:

It's so odd, isn't it? But sometimes, when we are just, you know we're having these conversations and and you know we will record an episode, and and one of us will edit it, and we go that was such a great episode. It would be really nice to have some feedback, wouldn't it?

Speaker 2:

definitely, and when we do get feedback in the facebook group, it's really lovely, isn't it? I really, yeah, I really really enjoy that. So, yeah, come and come and talk to us. Uh, what was your favorite episode, do you think?

Speaker 1:

I think when we were really starting off in the very early days just talking about our own health journeys and why we were decided to do this podcast and you know what, what our motivation was and everything and our drive behind it. I really enjoyed that episode and that has been.

Speaker 2:

That was a really popular episode, so I think, is that our top one, most downloaded one yeah, definitely that was, and so so my, so my favourite one, the one, actually the one I refer to the very most is the Legs of a Chair. Yeah, and it's. Yeah, it's just, it's the fundamentals of everything that we talk about, all of the bloody time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we could write a book based on the Legs of a Chair.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Well, I think there might be a. Well, I think there might be a far too fabulous uh movie and and book. You know, like netflix, I, I, they're gonna be knocking at the door in 2025 or do you know what makes me most excited about that?

Speaker 1:

the soundtrack. Oh, I'm like. Oh, what would the soundtrack be?

Speaker 2:

yeah, we'd have to get ross to write it for us.

Speaker 1:

It would definitely have to include my favorite destiny's child song of all time I'm a survivor with us singing it or I do know all the words to that song, okay, and the dance moves right. Putting it out there on netflix.

Speaker 2:

If you're listening, we're ready for you. That's so good. The other top ones that we've had were the um was the cranial, sacral episode with sarah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that was a great episode and I absolutely love sarah. She's just one of those genuinely gorgeous human beings and she's got so much knowledge that she's happy to share. And yeah, it was. I really enjoyed that episode.

Speaker 2:

It was so good and I was really surprised, actually, because I mean, it's quite niche and it's quite out there, isn't it? So for that to be one of the most downloaded episodes is really, it's really fantastic. Yeah yeah, it's really good. And then the other one, which actually is something that I use all of the time, was the habit stacking one. It was the rewire brain habits.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and again, that's really, really important, and I'm sure that we will end up revisiting some of these topics anyway, because you just have to go over these things again and again until your, until your brain decides that it's ready to receive that information. Right, yeah, and rewiring your brain is really the key, isn't it? If you might want to make changes and you want them to stick, it's got to become a habit. Yeah, absolutely, and that's it's.

Speaker 2:

We're not reinventing the wheel here. We are saying the same things that many, many podcasts that we have listened to before have said, and it's just like you said. And until you're ready to actually hear it, until it's ready to literally land in your chest and go, oh that's, you know, that's how we do this, or that's how I want to feel, then you just have to keep hearing it yeah, yeah, and sometimes I find that you hear something the same thing over and over again, but it will be in a slightly different way and it will land because of the different way that it's come at you.

Speaker 1:

And then you realise, hang a minute, I heard this like so many years ago, or someone else said that or whatever it is. And then you go oh, the penny drops doesn't it?

Speaker 2:

yeah, absolutely, and then you bash yourself over the head.

Speaker 1:

But not learning that lesson earlier? It's so true though, isn't it? But it wasn't the right time. You weren't ready for it.

Speaker 2:

You weren't ready for it. No, absolutely, oh, yeah, it's been. It has been such an incredible journey. I'm really, I am really really proud of of what we've achieved. Yeah and yeah, like you said, I'm really pleased that we've done it together and uh, and, as usual, I forgot what I was saying well, I can't help you, I don't know what's going on in your brain.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm really looking forward to like this time next year to see what's happened and what we've done, because we know that podcasting is more of a long-term yeah, you know venture and yeah, you just don't know. You don't know what's going to happen in the future, but we still got so much to talk about. I mean, we do not shut up when we get together, do we? We talk and talk, and talk. And we do make ourselves laugh sometimes because we sit down to do this podcast, you know, in my bedroom amongst the boxes and the washing, and we say, oh, we just do a short one, let's just do like 20 minutes, yeah, and then 48 minutes later we're like we better wrap this up, yeah absolutely, and then we're editing it going.

Speaker 2:

Why didn't we week wire? But I mean, it's not like we, we don't rehash anything, it's just it's very natural and I just I really enjoy doing this. That's what I was going to say. I really enjoy it. It's not a chore. It's really difficult to get us both together.

Speaker 1:

sometimes it's really really challenging.

Speaker 2:

And it's not, but it's not a problem. No, it's so interesting yeah, you know, you're right, absolutely what this next year, because this was the foundations We've just laid that I can't believe how quickly it's gone though. I know it's scary, really. I know we say that for everything, but that has gone really, really quickly One year.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and 50 episodes. I can't even get my head around that though.

Speaker 1:

Who'd have thought we could talk for now. And we'll be able to talk for another 50, and another 50, and another 50, but not today. No, we are promising to keep this one short because we know that it's just immediately after christmas. Yeah, but we just wanted to kind of wrap up the year, get our 50th episode out. Yeah, just celebrate what we've done and just say a big, massive thank you to you listening. Yeah, yeah, please come in the group and tell us any subjects or topics that you want us to cover. Yeah, if you've got any guest recommendations. Or just say hi, I'm listening.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that would be good, wouldn't it? That would be really fantastic. But thank you for listening, thank you for coming and just being a part of our crazy world, because you know that that's how it started was just, julie and I sat across the table from each other, ranting and raving about well-being and nutrition and movement, and we just thought we'd just stick a microphone in between us and join you in the conversation. Yeah, absolutely and look at that exactly see what happened.

Speaker 1:

One of the things that I do really love is the fact that we don't ever script anything, do we? We don't like you've. You've come today to record a few episodes and we haven't discussed before you arrive what we were going to talk about, and we just kind of go with the flow, don't we?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I came I came armed with a microphone and a bottle of red wine. That was it. Yeah, exactly, and that's, and that's all that you need.

Speaker 1:

Yeah I think. So I think we'll just leave it to say wishing you a very happy and healthy new year, and we will see you in january.

Speaker 2:

I cannot wait. We've got some really good stuff for you in january we have indeed hold on to your seat thank you for keeping us company today. If you enjoyed the podcast, don't forget to subscribe and leave a review.

Speaker 1:

Your support helps us on our mission to reach a thousand women in our first year, so share with your friends and family.

Speaker 2:

You might just change a life.

Speaker 1:

Connect with us on social media and make your life easier by joining our podcast mailing list. You'll find the links in the show notes.

Speaker 2:

Your weekly episode will be delivered straight to your inbox every Thursday morning, make it a fabulous week, and we'll catch you in the next episode.