Far 2 Fabulous

Harnessing the Power of Words: Shaping Reality and Well-being through Language

Julie Clark & Catherine Chapman Episode 44

Episode 44
Discover the transformative power of words with me, Julie, as I embark on a solo journey exploring how words shape our realities and well-being. From childhood memories of inspiring books to the uplifting beats of Destiny's Child's "I'm a Survivor," I share personal stories and insights that highlight the profound impact words can have. Reflecting on my experiences in multi-level marketing and brain psychology, this episode unveils how positive affirmations and empowering philosophies can train our minds and control our emotions, ultimately guiding us to create the universe we desire.

Unpack the science of words and thoughts as I discuss how they influence our mental states and emotional responses. Whether you've found solace in the perfect greeting card or shed tears over a novel, you know the formidable power of language. Tune in as I recount how words have been pivotal in my life and how they can be harnessed to cultivate resilience and positivity. Let's explore how you can wield the creative force of words to craft a life filled with empowerment and well-being.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Far Too Fabulous hosted by Julie and Catherine, Join us on a mission to embrace your fabulousness and redefine wellness. Get ready for some feistiness, inspiration, candid chats and humour as we journey together towards empowered wellbeing.

Speaker 2:

Let's dive in. Hello everyone, julie here, welcome to this week's episode of the podcast. Now I'm on my own this week. Catherine did a session on her own last week. We are finding it very difficult to get together at the same time, so I wanted to talk to you today about the power of words.

Speaker 3:

This is a subject that I absolutely love, so it's a privilege to be able to kind of share some thoughts on this subject with you. Now. This is such a massive topic but it's also quite simple. And if you've ever kind of said to yourself, come on, I've got this, or you've said to a child, you can do this, then you understand the power of words. And if you've ever listened to the words of a song and it and had it resonate with you, then you understand the power of words. So my song, my personal song I don't mind sharing this with you is destiny's child.

Speaker 3:

I'm a survivor and, for whatever reason, it's not just the words, I guess, but it's the rhythm and everything, but that's like the theme tune of my life. You know, if someone ever says to you if you were to have a movie about your life, what would be the theme tune? And for me it's I'm a survivor and it's mostly because you know. For those of you that know me personally, it doesn't matter if you don't, but I'm just a person that doesn't give up, just don't. So that song, just the words, that song just totally resonate with me. So that's my song, what's your song. But you know, if you've listened to a song and and kind of you've resonated with the words, then you understand the power of words. If you've ever hunted high and low for a card that has the right words in it, just to say the right thing at the right time, then again you know the power of words. If you've ever cried whilst reading a book, then you know the power of words.

Speaker 3:

I think, for me, I've always been into words. I think, even as a youngster, words have been. I've always loved reading, I've loved writing. Yeah, so words have always been a always loved reading, I've loved writing. Yeah, so words have always been a big part of of my life. And then I think I can't remember how old I was, but probably around about the age of maybe 17 or 18, my parents joined an organization which today we call we would call multi-level marketing, but it but it was an organisation called Amway. Now I don't even know if they're a band or I suspect they are, but the thing that ended up coming through for me with that side of things, with that business aside from the multi-level marketing side of it and anything that goes with that that people don't like the thing that they really, really represented was the power of positive thinking, and so from a very, very young age, I got to read some amazing books like how to Win Friends and Influence People, the Magic of Thinking Big and being Happy. Those kind of books get into the mindset things, and we're going to talk about that shortly. So I think it was a gift to be given that, especially for somebody who was already interested in words and reading and things. But it doesn't matter if you've not been that person.

Speaker 3:

You can use words to train your brain, which is what we're going to discuss in a minute. I think, like words have power. They can destroy and create, and sometimes a single word can change everything. Words consist of vibration and sound. It's these vibrations that create the very reality that surround us. Words are the creator, the creator of our universe. Our, our reality without words of thought can never become a reality.

Speaker 3:

One of the things I learned when I was studying brain psychology and the brain science and all that kind of stuff that goes with how the brain works and how we respond to things, was we can choose our thoughts and our words and these create our feelings, which means therefore, at any time, we have control over our mind. This is really, really huge, because we create our reality from our thoughts and feelings and our body will always follow the mind. So this is big. So let me just say it again. So this is big. So let me just say it again. So we can, we can and we have choice and control over our thoughts and our words, and it's the thoughts and the words that create our feelings. Therefore, we can choose at any time to have control over our mind and our body, and all our external reality always follows the mind. This is huge. Your life will follow your thoughts and words, no matter what's true about the world. Again, this is this huge stuff. We speak our life into existence and our word is our wand. So what is being carried by your voice? So we can use this month as an awareness activity on the words that we're using, or the words that we're hearing, because nothing ever changes unless we're in awareness. So, just listening to the words that people use, the language, the language that we use ourself, you know what is being carried by our own voice. And then, as you know, or most of you know, I'm a big supporter of using affirmations, so affirmations are a tool to reset negative thought patterns and reinforce the life that we actually want.

Speaker 3:

The statement I am is so incredibly powerful if you think about it. You know Muhammad Ali. He went round saying I am the greatest. And he may not have been the greatest, but he was so convinced and determined that he was the greatest that people believed him and he created his own reality out of that. You are who you say you are, so choose your words wisely, seriously. Choose your words wisely. If you start to become aware of this, this is such a huge thing and you can change your life by changing the words that you use. The words I am are potent. Be careful what you hitch to them, for what you claim has a way of reaching back and claiming you. That is a great quote. I don't know who said that, but it's. You know the word I am. How many times do you say I am? Some says you know what? What do you do? What do you do for a living? What do you say I am, I am this, I am that. But sometimes we use those I am statements in a very negative way and like that, that saying says the words I am are potent. Be careful what you hitch to them because they have a way of you become what you say when you say I am what you claim, as a way of reaching back and claiming you so huge, it's so huge, so choose your words wisely. So huge, it's so huge, so choose your words wisely.

Speaker 3:

Now we are a nation of people that are conditioned to talk about misfortune and problems and, yeah, a lot of negative stuff. But when you are able to be aware of it, catch it and you can stop it. And it's not saying that you should never share a problem, that's not what it's about. But words, negative words, powerless words like can't, shouldn't, won't, need. We really want to try and avoid them Because you know, as we know, words have power and they can change everything in an instant.

Speaker 3:

So when we use words like that, you you know they carry a lot of power. So, for example, if you would usually say something like I'm unhealthy and overweight, then why not turn it into something more positive and constructive, such as I'm the process of becoming healthier and every day I get closer and closer to my ideal weight? Those of you that work one-to-one with me know that we talk about this a lot. You know this. I choose to release. We don't say lose, wait, we release it. We don't want to find it again. We choose to release the things that no longer serve us and we say I am what we want to become.

Speaker 3:

I love this quote your words are the paint with which you, with which you, paint your reality. Choose those words wisely and positively to create a reality that is good for you. Your words are the paint in which you paint your reality. You can't get more clearer than that. That's how powerful these words are, and I think if we could ever teach children something that would make a difference to their life, it's the words. It's the words that we choose to say to them. It's the words that they, they use. I speak words that wouldn't feel ashamed to hear repeated back to you. Imagine what the world would be like if everybody did that. It would be such a different place. When we do affirm, affirmations, are they're positive statements in the present tense that say what we ultimately want, and just the words I am, are. It's so, oh God. I've used the word powerful so much, but it is so powerful, like I said in the other quote, you know it's so potent, but I am defines who we are to ourselves and to everyone around us.

Speaker 3:

So when you say things constantly in your own head like, you know, I'm fat, I'm lazy, I'm shy, whatever it is, I'm no good at this, I'm, you know, whatever it is, we all have this, you know, monologue, running with these negative thoughts. Again, being aware of these are really good, which is why things like meditation and quiet time allow you to listen to those words and understand what that monologue is in the background, because then, when we know it, we program it, and that can make a huge difference. So if I am defines who we are to ourselves and others, if we use those words like I am fat, lazy, shy, or what if we used I'm beautiful, confident, successful, happy, the truth is. The exact truth is that when we use I am, that is what we are creating for ourselves. So if you say constantly, oh, I'm so fat, I'm so tired, I'm so this, that's what you become, whereas if we start to turn it around, even if we don't believe it, it doesn't matter. The word I am is a signal to the universe that says to everyone and ourselves ourselves is the most important thing. It says to ourselves what we wish to be. That's what we're creating for ourselves. So words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively, with words of encouragement, or destructively, with words of despair. Words have energy and power within, with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble. You can't get more descriptive than that right.

Speaker 3:

So, just for this month again, it's just about being aware. It's about catching those moments and seeing how we can turn them around. It's seeing how we can. You know, like you could say something to someone that could make or destroy their day. You know, if you've ever had a compliment, even if you find it hard to take compliments if somebody says to you I really like your dress, it really suits you, it's such a great color, go around all day feeling amazing. If someone says to you it's so, your smile is so lovely, it's really cheered me up today, that makes a really big difference to the opposite of that right, I don't even want to give examples because I don't want to plant anything in your brain, but I am.

Speaker 3:

Statements give you the opportunity to reprogram those negative thoughts. And if you've got negative thoughts running and you're able to be aware of them. You can write them down and you can change them to a positive thought, like, for example, that I'm so unhealthy and overweight. You can change it to, but I'm in the process of becoming what I want to be. I choose to release whatever it is. It holds so much power.

Speaker 3:

Literally, your word is your wand. You create your reality from what you say. You speak your life into existence. It's such a massive, massive thing, and if we can teach our children to speak words that they won't feel ashamed to hear repeated back to them because said it would make a really, really big difference. So, as ever, awareness first. Ask the questions, always ask questions and see what starts to come out for you. What do you hear repeated over and over again? What have you been told? That is just a story that was made up. You know what were you told when you were, were little, in particular before the age of eight or nine, what were you told?

Speaker 3:

you know? What did someone constantly say to you? You know, oh, tracy, she's so loud, you know. And then you went around thinking I need to be quiet so you didn't use your voice in that way, you know. Maybe someone said, beth, you, you took up so much space, whatever it was, you know you have the power to be able to change that, so you don't carry it for the rest of your life, because someone can say something to you in seconds, and the impact of that last year's that's how powerful words are.

Speaker 3:

So big topic, actually very simple when we think about it. So listen to the words that are being said around you, especially the people that are closest to you. There is a thought that we are the, the product almost of the five people around us, the, the five most influential people around us. Have a look at those five people that are in your life. What language do they use, what are they saying, and then what is being carried by your own voice? Become aware of it so that you can start to make changes. Then use the affirmations. Affirmations are great written down. They're even more powerful when they're spoken out loud, and even more so if you can look at yourself in the mirror and say them. That takes it to a different level. The power of words Ask the questions, become aware. Then see what you can do to start changing your reality to reflect what you really really want. So use your I am statements and go from there.

Speaker 1:

I'll see you next time. Thank you for keeping us company today. If you enjoyed the podcast, don't forget to subscribe and leave a review. Your support helps us on our mission to reach 1000 women in our first year, so share with your friends and family. You might just change your life. Connect with us on social media and make your life easier by joining our podcast mailing list. You'll find the links in the show notes. Your weekly episode will be delivered straight to your inbox every Thursday morning. Make it a fabulous week and we'll catch you in the next episode.