Far 2 Fabulous

Navigating Life's Tides: The Astrological Guide to Personal Growth and Cosmic Wellness

May 02, 2024 Julie Clark & Catherine Chapman Episode 17

Unlock the mysteries of the stars and their influence on your life with Ysanne Lewis, our guest astrologer who brings years of expertise to this cosmic conversation. Together, we navigate the intertwined paths of celestial movements and human experiences. This episode is your personal guide through the lunar cycles and planetary rhythms that shape our daily habits, emotions, and social connections. We delve into the potent effects of the full moon on growth, how the waning moon aids in detoxification, and the power of setting intentions during the new moon. Fixed signs like Taurus and Leo come into play as we explore their stronghold on our ability to embrace change, while the cycles of Mars and Neptune are unveiled to reveal their impact on our collective consciousness and personal vigour.

Feel the pulse of the universe as we discuss the significance of astrological timing in the fabric of our existence. From the practical knowledge of farmers aligning their crops with lunar phases to the heightened emotional states acknowledged by police and medical professionals, we traverse the rich landscape where astrology meets everyday life. Yasan highlights the role of our moon sign in personal health and the cosmic clockwork that ticks from the moment we're born. We underscore the importance of aligning our actions with natural rhythms—whether in health, business, or personal growth—emphasizing the power of awareness and the right timing for every endeavour.

Join us for a transformative voyage as we share our personal shifts from conventional careers to embracing holistic practices under the guidance of the stars. We reveal how astrology has shaped our identities, self-worth, and sensitivity and how Jupiter's arrival in Gemini signals a time of expansion and fortune for those born under this sign. The moon's journey through the zodiac illuminates our emotional landscape, offering daily wisdom for enhancing well-being, while Ysanne provides a compelling case for personalized astrology readings over-generalized horoscopes. Finally, we explore astrology's profound connection to physical health, linking body parts to zodiac signs and sharing anecdotes on how these celestial correlations manifest in our lives. So, tune in and let this episode inspire you to harness the fabulousness the stars have charted for you.

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For more information about Catherine Chapman, click HERE

We look forward to you joining us on the next episode.


Welcome to Far Too Fabulous hosted by Julie and Catherine.


Join us on a mission to embrace your fabulousness and redefine wellness. Get ready for some feistiness, inspiration, candy chats and humour as we journey together towards empowered wellbeing. Let's dive in. Hello, hello, hello, everybody, and welcome back to I was going to say the terrible twosome, but maybe we could come up with a better duo the dynamic duo. Dynamic duo yeah, that sounds better because you've had just one of us every week for the last couple of weeks. So we're back together, which seems really good. We're really pleased about that. Before we headed off on our solo podcasts, we were talking about the moon, we were talking about cycles, we were talking about menstruation cycles, and it was the moon that made us think about our guest today, isan, not menstruation cycles. I will make very, very clear. And so we got in touch because everything that we were talking about just made me think about her. So thank you. Thank you so much for coming to talk to us, yasan, and tell us who you are and where you come from hello everybody.


Uh, yeah, lovely to be on here. Been looking forward to this. So I live in Guildford, not too far from London, and I've been a professional astrologer. I'm self-employed in 1979, 45 years ago, and I actually was employed nine years before that. So I suppose I've been working 55 years. So that's great. I mean, I love my work and I trained as an astrologer the days before computer programs for it. So I had to do all the mathematics, all the logarithms I had to learn, and a little bit about me. Well, I've got a nice life.


I love music, I'm a part-time jazz singer, love nature, reading, all these things and above all, I just love the connection between the upside-down carpet, if you like, above us, and nature, as the old saying goes, above the doors of Delphi, as above so below. So there's a connection and we must always remember that our bodies come from nature. I mean, I personally believe in a soul, but our bodies are from nature. The word nature, natal, it's all linked. And whilst we're in bodies, it's so important to cooperate with our cycles, not least of all the moon, where we do get our word menstruation month, mother, from incredible.


I did not tell you. We were just, we're just going to be sat listening to your voice for this whole time. This is the quietest me and Julia ever going to be, I think yeah, I think so.


I love the fact that you you're talking about you know our bodies and nature and that connection, because I think one of the aspects that myself and Catherine always want to put across is, although I am a nutritionist and Catherine is all about the exercise, your health and your well-being is so much more than that, which is, you know, one of the reasons we went off on a tangent, almost talking about the moon and and and having you on as a guest to take things from a different angle, really. But, yeah, I love the way you just described that.


Very, very simply, really, and we don't live in a vacuum and nature abhors a vacuum. The word cosmos means order. I love the meanings of it. I never studied Latin and Greek or anything, but when you look words up it's fascinating. The word disaster means a fall of a star and the word horoscope horror. Horoscope means, if you were the hour of birth, obviously not just the month you're born in your star sign, the hour of birth, which is an interesting aspect of astrology and the word astrology, astrologos, means language or word of the stars. So there you go.


Incredible, see. I didn't know it was a school day today, but it always is so. For anybody that doesn't know and I don't really feel you can probably put this in a nutshell but what is astrology?


Well, the language of the stars, it's a script. It's been called God's messengers, if you like. The planets. Quite interesting and almost like the universal spirits writing in the sky. We've always looked up, and our ancestors way, way back, I mean. We always questioned everyone questions, or maybe people have stopped questioning, but it's not a good thing. We need curiosity and we were always navigators so we understood particularly the moon cycles to do with weather changes, agriculture, festival, even times of pregnancy. For a long while people thought that, um, a woman became pregnant through the moon. Interesting, when she gets bigger, builds up to the full moon yeah, kind of makes sense the wise people at the time knew differently.


but I mean, the general populace did really feel this and you know, the moon wasn't always seen as feminine by a long shot. The Eskimo saw it as a fisherman, the Hindu saw it as a red man with four arms and three eyes in a golden chariot. So there were cultures that saw the moon as masculine and the sun as feminine. But generally speaking the moon has been seen as feminine because it links menstruation. It links with many of our rhythms, it links with the tides. Often people say it links with emotions. The moon is how we respond to things. Venus links more with emotions in many ways, how we give and receive love and relate socially. But the moon is how we react and how we respond.


The sun and the moon were seen as the two eyes of heaven, according to the Egyptians, and they have their dance. They come together at a, at a new moon, the same degree in sign, kind of like a form of love making, if you like, and then they go in opposite directions and the phases of the moon they come back together again within that 28, 29 day cycle. But it's very hard for us to see ourselves clearly. It's too bright sometimes like it's hard to look at the sun and can be damaging, so we prefer to look at ourselves through our moon, our moon sign, it's our self-image. Very interesting that. And the moon changes sign every two and a half days of the month. So whereas the sun takes a month to go through one sign, it takes a whole month to go through the 12 signs of the zodiac. And there are lunar calendars of 13 moons, as we know, because 28 days is not 30 or 31.


so we have that and that's another story unto itself so for somebody that either doesn't know their sign or doesn't doesn't follow things to do with their sign, could they still follow that monthly, lunar, and would we all be reacting the same way through the month within our signs?


yeah, that's a very good question, catherine. Um, yes, definitely, and there's a whole lot of information about new moon times and full moon times, about health and the sign of the zodiac. One of the 12 that the moon is in for a couple of days, sometimes nearly three days, is an area of the body where you feel more sensitive and it's not perhaps a good time to have an operation on that area of the body. And normally it's okay, people get through, it's survived, but it's not the best time. And so, yes, we can look at where this moon is and to understand if the moon's in Aries, we may feel a bit more sparky, a bit more reactive, a bit more immediate.


At the moment, the moon is in a late degree, 30 degrees, in the zodiac sign, in a late degree of Capricorn, which happens to be my moon sign. So in a few hours it's going to enter Aquarius for the next couple of days and so whenever you look up the meaning of a zodiac sign Aries, capricorn, scorpio, whatever you're getting a feeling of the personality. Signs of the zodiac are like the costumes costumes we wear and the planets are the characters and the zodiac signs are the costumes and how we respond. So, yes, we can. We can see where the moon is. You can check that out any time. Either you clock it into a basic astrology program, or even the newspapers have it, or a moon diary, and you can see, perhaps, how you can best use the energy that day yes, so we're going into Aquarius soon.


What sort of things would be really good? If you're looking at well-being, if you're looking at either exercise or to not exercise, or to meditate, or what are the good sort of things that we could be doing in the next couple of days in this star sign?


my way of seeing it, the moon in Aquarius gives you that sense of wanting more freedom, more autonomy. It makes you perhaps a little bit more zany, a bit more rebellious.


We're just like that all the time, actually, aren't we?


I think there's a lot of Aquarius in my house, so that might explain a lot.


Okay, and it's an air sign, so it's all about communication. It's an air sign, so it's all about communication. It's an air sign. It's called the water bearer or water carrier, but it is an air sign and it's like the waves of electricity. It's the so-called age we're in now, which is not a of Aquarius, and that's due to, technically, something called the procession of the equinoxes, which we don't have to go into here, but it means that we are in the age of Aquarius, and the slowest moving planet, which is now dwarf planet, pluto, entered Aquarius after 250 years. That's how long its cycle is March and um. The last time it was there was the time of the French Revolution and the Civil War and the Age of Reasons.


So you can look back. Oh my goodness, we don't want to upset the French anymore heads.


We're getting a lot of people dropping from grace in the um, politic, political world, and so on, aren't we? It seems to be all the time yeah, yeah, we are. Aquarius. Yes, so the next. So it's going to be around about 3 30. It's going to enter Aquarius.


So this is a good time to have a zany conversation like this, then.


Absolutely love it and it's balanced also because of its opposite sign. Every sign has an opposite one, a polarity one of Leo, which is about the self, the heart, the leader, and Aquarius is very individualistic, but it's also the team player, which may sound a bit of a contradiction, hey, but it doesn't need to be amazing, and is there so?


are there certain times, either through the moon cycle or in somebody's star sign, that are perhaps good times to be? Obviously, we want to look after our nutrition all of the time, but are there times that we can really enhance that? Are there times that we can really enhance our movement? Or or the opposite, are there times that we can really get lovely and deep with meditation or breath work or something like that?


sure, absolutely going back to the moon, aquarius, it very much all circulation and the lower legs I should have planned the marathon at that point, then, shouldn't I?


I did, as I said a few minutes ago, um, but when the moon is in a certain sign it's not the best time perhaps to have an operation or to overdo that energy. And the same applies to, say, libra, in the kidney area, when the moon's in libra, and when the moon's in aries, the head area, and the moon scorpio, the genital reproductive system area, you know, goes on like that, so they can be extra sensitive. What I do find important is that new to full moon cycle where, between the new moon and the full moon, that's called the waxing moon, the building up. It's a really good time to build up your strength. You may find you actually, even if you don't eat much, you put on a little weight, because certainly at a full moon, weight watchers have said that you do put on a minuscule amount of weight.


How interesting Do you think that's the link between us and fluid as well and water?


And hormones as well, don't forget, because we've got growth hormone happening in that part of the moon as well.


Absolutely so. The full moon it's always been known as that time of expansion and giving birth, bringing things to culmination. So the waning moon, from the full moon to the new moon, is like a decreasing of energy and really, really, really good for detoxing. It's good to detox on a full moon or fast and a new moon, both those times. But the waning moon, from full moon to new moon, is a time you'll find better for operations, better for planting all sorts of interesting things that come up. And at a new moon it can be a time when you can not just set intents. But maybe it's an easier time to give something up. If you've got a kind of not necessarily an addiction but you think, oh, that's not healthy for me, I'm going to give up coffee or alcohol or smoking. People find they make that intent at a new moon date that it's easier that's, yeah, that's really.


It's helpful for people to know with regards to things like star signs and things are there star signs that find it harder to give things up or easier to make habits?


good question, I like that very much so the fixed signs of the zodiac, they are taurus, scorpio, aquarius and leo. So I think so it's not just your sun sign, the month you're born, and you might be another sign, but you might have five planets and fixed signs because, um, sun, unless you're born on a new moon, the sun and moon are going to be in different signs of the zodiac mercury, how we think, how we communicate, make decisions, decisions can only be the same as your sun sign or one sign either side. So if I'm a Scorpio, then it can be in Scorpio, which it is, or in Libra or Sagittarius, because they're mixed all signs. I think, yes, it is. I think when we have to make a real decision, that's where Mars comes in that planet, and so anything where we feel right, I'm ready, yes, and a good colour for that is emerald green. It says I'm ready.


So what does Mars have to be doing for us to be able to use it?


Well, it helps if one knows one's own chart. You see, that's the secret or the trick, because it depends where Mars is in its 20-month cycle. It'll angle in at certain points to your own Mars. You have a Mars return every 20 months. You've got heightened energy projects. Speed up, you've got more energy.


Mars is in opposition to your own Mars, which happens once about every 10 months. You actually find you're going against the tide a little bit. So what can you do? Well, work with it, particularly if you know about it. But obviously that's where the language of astrology and that expertise comes in. When Mars is in a fire sign, it's happy in Aries, it's happy in Capricorn, it's happy in Leo. I think those are times when, in that 20-month cycle, we feel we've got more energy generally and can push things forward. At the moment it's just passed Mars and Neptune. Neptune was the god of the ocean, mars was the warrior, god remember. Mars and Neptune have come together and in Pisces it's the last degree of Pisces. Mars was the warrior, god remember. Mars and Neptune have come together in Pisces. It's the last degree of Pisces, and so we may all have been feeling recently a bit more pragmatic. We may have been a bit more dozy, a bit more dreamy, a bit more sluggish.


I felt like that yesterday. I went for a walk. I gave up working and I went for a walk because I wasn't getting anywhere.


Well, at least you did the right thing, then yesterday was exact it was exact yesterday, now beginning to separate, so you feel at ease and so what you do well, if you've got to be really busy and physical, it's not always the easiest, but we can work with it.


So knowing these things and then being able to plan space, perhaps either side to, to, to build up energy and then to recover from that.


And I think, because this is specifically a lot about the moon, and the moon has its own cycle, very obvious. You see it in nature, you see it with the tides. Hemorrhaging is higher at a full moon. You can have an operation on a full moon, of course you can. We don't want to say to people, don't do that, but sometimes you get an emergency coming into the hospital where it's a bigger thing than what you've got and your operation's been put off and hemorrhaging can be higher. Um, our doctors and surgeons are fairly aware of that, um, and so liquids are higher, emotions are higher. Police stations know that.


Mental hospitals you know that as well, yeah as a nurse. You mentioned it when we did our moon episode about that. So yeah, it's very well known, isn't?


it and on a perhaps not a minor note for farmers and tree people, but in the redwood forests in america particularly as other areas too, the tree is marked with the phase of the moon, whether it's nearer to new or full when it's cut, because there's a lot of sap in the red big redwood trees and when the moon is toward waxing and full I'm hemorrhaging, if you like the sap can devastate the wood and things around it. So that would be marked with a full moon and his value would be less than a new moon.


That's incredibly interesting and that's that's such a great example of of why we need to work with these cycles, with nature, rather than putting it into the like the hocus pocus sort of box, being able to work with it to our advantage.


Absolutely, because we are all one. That's where the word universe comes from unity. And the cosmos is a cell, planet is a cell, our body is a cell, our cells are cells. So it's an amazing, amazing set of interactions. And these cosmic clocks, if you like, especially in our own lives, are set into motion when we take our first breath. That's what the time of birth is based on. The first breath, that's partaking of the earth and away from the element of water within the mum and out into life. Those cycles are set into motion, and the moon of course, but the slow moving ones.


And over the years of our life we can see what parts of us, like actors, are ready to come on stage and others to have a break, if that makes any sense. And I always smile at that one, because you've all got leading roles, we've been told we're good at things, personality-wise talents, and we keep using them like a leading actor or film star, and after a while they get burnout or typecast and they feel resentful of being seen that way too much. So they need to have a break and let someone else have a go. And when you have an actor who's got stage fright, they don't come on. Another man or woman plays a part for them and um, and it happens in our own lives and we don't live out a part of us because when we're little we were hurt or criticized or whatever. We'll draw to us people who play those roles for us in life. So we can do a lot to help others and ourselves by actually activating those areas which aren't weak, but it can be wounded and you can see them in a birth chart and when the planets up there actually like activate them, it's like a mirror, they trigger them.


It can be tricky time periods, so they're very good time periods for healing and certainly health matters can be seen through the birth chart as well, because the 12 zodiac signs are divided between four elements fire, earth, air and water. So you can see which element is strongest, which is you know which is strongest for you and which perhaps may be lacking. If you've got a lot of water in your chart, you may gather fluid. The water signs of Cancer, scorpio, pisces you may gather more fluid very easily. And if you're lacking water, maybe you don't even like water very much, but certainly you need more of it and things like that. It's quite a complicated subject but I think through the chart, you can actually see, particularly with the moon sign, areas where you need to learn how to flow much more Like, if I say I've got my moon in Capricorn, that's the knees. And when I was much younger my knees were a big problem. I got over it. Oddly enough, they're perfect now. But my knees were a big problem. I got over it, oddly enough.


They're perfect now, but it's all about the bending as well, the flexibility and the joints. We talk a lot about awareness, don't we? And so if your awareness is that there's potentially a weakness in your knees and you can do something to work on that, then then happy days.


I mean, you were talking about, um, people taking their, their leading roles in their own lives, and then some people maybe feeling like they want to do it but are not ready, and what you're talking about is that timing. And so if you're not feeling that like now is the time to step on stage and have the spotlight on you, then maybe that's right, maybe isn't the time. Um and you, yosana, I know, is an absolute expert Timing is your absolute speciality, isn't it? And I know that you help lots and lots of businesses with regards to that. But the awareness around that, knowing that it's not your time because the universe says so, and accepting that and going, ok, you don't have to force that every time and then stepping back and maybe that's your time for preparation, or getting yourself ready for whenever, whenever is your time, and then stepping onto those, stepping onto that stage when, when you're ready.


And you know the gestation time is just before the new moon, the three days of the dark moon which are, you know, ancestral times, people did retreat much more, they allowed more chaos. In. You know it's the inner world has a say, the psychic world, the unconscious, which is fascinating, that the new moon, it's like coming to birth and seeding something, an intent, and usually it can take about a week after a new moon to feel you can manifest that intent. You know that intent so much more, and definitely with timing. We all know our own timing and I'd say 99, not even maybe not 99 90 percent out of 100 people I see actually are aware of this timing and they say oh yeah, I felt that that's endorsing what I felt. Certainly, with your own business, that's a bit more complicated because it's something objective, but it still has rhythms and cycles which one can work with.


But in our own lives, these cycles, these timings, um so, and there are the seven year cycles. You've heard about the seven year itch, the seven year cycles, but there are other major ones, like 27, when the moon does something particular at that point, and 29, when saturn returns to where it was and you were born, and at 29, 30, we sometimes can really make shifts, shed some layers and anything with a seven, like seven times five, is 35, and 35 is another age, or the 35th year, or really I call it growing up and again giving birth to a new aspect, because birth is occurring the whole time. Though we've got our own personal cycles through our birth charts, based on our time of birth, we've also got general ones. Um 50 is another one, which is a time of healing of wounds and perhaps activating some healing or teaching gift within oneself.


You often see that, don't you? When people get to around that that age, they start to shed anything that they've been carrying around with them.


That's no good for them anymore, and and head into the other half of their century a bit more whole again maybe yeah, we have something called chiron c-h-i-r-o-n, who is the wounded teacher and healer in mythology, and we're not quite sure if he's an asteroid or a comet, but it's been in our solar system, been known in our solar system since the late 70s, when there was a rise very much of the alternative field medicine and so on. And chiron has a 49 to 51 year cycle and we've it's in the sky at the moment. It's in the sign of Aries, where we had our eclipses in the last month sign of Aries, and this opposite sign, libra, and all about self and others. And Chiron and Aries says for us all I'm enough. What's my identity? What do I want to begin? What's my start like? Is it a false start or is it a healthy, in the moment start, you know? So I think it's something we're all working with the moon.


I was going back to the moon. I really feel that is because it's so fast moving. It's it's really the trigger point for the larger and slower planetary aspects and cycles.


It's a trigger point is there a planet that will only affect us maybe once in our lives, because it's cycles so long?


good question. Well, pluto has a 250 year cycle if it's only going to go over your sun and moon and on the rising sign, which I mentioned in a moment, once in 250 years. Um neptune has a 165 year cycle. Therefore, it's not again, it's not going to hit everything in your chart and I would say they don't hit. It's actually like a mirror that brings to your awareness parts of you, because it's like an orchestra or or a play. You know, all these planets represent parts of you. Jupiter's, our traveler. Venus is how we love and create, so on. Mercury's, our communicator and learner. So Jupiter takes 12 years, that's okay, and Uranus takes our 84 years. So a lot of us do live to 84. So we get it. Full transit around our birth chart. An opportunity, because uranus rules aquarius, because each planet has a sign it's domicile in, it's happy in, and uranus is where our maverick, our change maker, our little earthquake, our breakthrough, if not breakdown, occurs.


So I wonder, I wonder when that was in my stream, do you think. I wonder if that went past me in about seven or eight years ago.


What birth sign are you?


Gemini Me too, I'm a Gemini as well, oh you both.


Oh, that's great chatting, is that right?


Is that? How come we've come together to talk lots?


Thrilled by Mercury, messenger of the gods, who could traverse the world of the gods, the humans and the underworld. And we need our left brain, mercury we really do to be able to adapt and link with life. But sometimes we need to pause having our right brain come forward. You know the intuition, feelings, patterns and about three times a year, for three weeks and you've probably heard of this phenomenon Mercury goes retrograde.


Yeah, what does that mean?


Anything with the prefix re, re applies rethink, re-edit, redo, revisit. Let's think of a few more retract. We've only just had one. It went retrograde on march the 31st and went direct on april 25th, just gone. It was a long one, this one in aries, so you may have found there were things that had to be redone. Technology hiccups, um, people coming back into your life.


Julie had quite a technology hiccup yesterday we blame that on Mars?


I don't. I had something that was termed catastrophic failure. So yeah, we're lucky to be recording today, because until about 11 o'clock today I did not have a functioning computer.


Oh, I'm sorry. My phone's been playing up a lot doing really weird things. I was thinking of calling someone. You know what this could just settle. It works. I wasn't sure if you got my email because it was sending but not sending, and then about half an hour later it sent. Very weird, there are things and it's a good time for mot of anything, you know, not literally just a car yeah, we've spoken about that as well, haven't we?


about looking after yourself and well I think it was. I think I was talking about it on my solo podcast. I was talking about testing.


I use that reference mot for your body, yeah absolutely, because I think it's only our brains that don't pause. See, nature pauses, music pauses generally pauses, conversation can pause, but it's usually our brains. I think, oh, I'll just do a bit longer at that, I'll just keep going, do another few hours and then next thing we know our bodies get not the punishment but get the message or the lesson, because somebody famous once quoted, and I forget who did if we don't find time for recreation or recreation, um, sooner or later we're going to be obliged to find time for illness.


Yeah, the phrase that I know is if we don't, if we don't find time for health, then we will have to find time for disease, that's that's one that I was taught at uni when I was doing nutrition, yeah, so.


I'm really interested about what you were talking about just now is that how both of us started off kind of quite traditionally. I was up within traditional medicine as a nurse and you were an engineer engineer, so it really got really kind of out there doing relatively normal things and the fact that we have completely flipped to working far more with nature, with our bodies, holistically.




And what you were saying earlier on, it really resonated that it was both of us that did that.


It's interesting because, I think again, the birth chart can show your sensitivity to things. The planet Neptune, which was an emphatic system for a start, and there was poisons and gases and oils no-transcript discovered in 1846 something like that in the 1800s, um mid-1800s, and that was a discovery of anesthetics which separate, you know, the consciousness from the body for a while, and mesmerism, hypnosis, the rise of spiritualism, all sorts of things, and spiritualism was obviously connecting with the other side through mediums, channel channelers, and that's when it all started. And Neptune in our own chart shows our sort of access to source. Its symbol is like a chalice and then so obviously, if that's wide open, we can really have access to source. It'd be like a Mozart or from an early age.


Most of us aren't, though, but also it's where we have our ideals and we want to pull away from the mundane. So when it's so, we call it difficult aspects in our charts. It can, and that would link in with genetics as well, of course, because astrology does. It would link in with addiction to things like alcohol or drugs, which making you want to separate from the everyday life you know, and also allergies to things. So that's something I look at in birth charts, particularly the allergies, sensitivity to literally anesthetics and operations and um and aspects to that planet. So nutrition is very much linked with a sign of virgo I did not know that you say you're both gemini's at may.


We're nearly in may, that's tomorrow. Jupiter, in his 12 year cycle, enters Gemini. It'll be there for a year now, is it?


going to help us or hinder us.


And Jupiter is where we can expand. It's our traveller in inwardly, outwardly learning. I think with higher mind things, our optimism, it can give a lot of luck but fortunate experiences, and so it'll cross both of your sun signs in Gemini.


I mean, when are you early Gemini's on the middle of June. Okay, so you're late. I'm on the 22nd of May, so I am about. We've talked about this before. I'm only two hours out. Um, two hours left and then we're into Taurus we're in Taurus.


yeah, we're in Taurus, yeah we're in Taurus, yes, that other way.


So, yeah, you're early, so actually, jupiter will cross your sun sign in in later May. So go for that, go for the opportunities. The only times when it can feel uncomfortable is when one's literally being constricted, whether by choice or otherwise, and you think, oh, I want to expand, break free, and you can't, or feel you can't. So it's important to embrace that with you. Julie, um the 16th, it's four days off, five days off the summer solstice, cancer, um, that's going to be more as you go into next year, early part of next year, but you're feeling it, the energy is there. So it's lovely to have jupiter over one sun sign once every 12 years, across the moon, once every 12 years, often a time when people expand their home in some manner, or their inner home, or buy or sell well, they move to wales.


That's my husband's dream at the moment move to wales so funny.


Let's hope that jupiter's not going you could do anything whenever you want, really, but it's like going with the tide rather than against it, really. The you know the point I was making, and to know there's a time lapse between the seed and the manifestation of the plant. You know there's always that gestation.


This is like when you drop an idea into your, into the conversation with your husband, and then he has that amazing idea three days later. Is that's that sort?


of thing, isn't it? Well, we're putting it um yesan.


How do we know what our birth chart is then? How do we find out because I don't know the precise time that I was born, I only know the date, and that I'm a gemini? I don't know anything more than that. So how would I find out more?


okay, you, you know your town of birth and country, right? Another thing we use and the full date of birth, including the year. A lot of people don't know, or think they don't know, their time of birth. Um, there's many ways really, if you really investigate, unless it's absolutely impossible. There's a baby book or somebody says well, you know it was tea time. Then you've got to work out what tea time was in the year you were born, or that time period or was. Was it night or day?


There are people who rectify birth charts I often look at because we have something called the rising sign or ascendant. Maybe you've heard of that, maybe you haven't. That's based on your time of birth and it's the zodiac sign coming up over the horizon when you're born. So, for example, if, being a Gemini, if you were born in the sun, at dawn, when the sun was rising in Gemini yes, in the morning, which it was you'd be a rising sign, gemini, how you present yourself to the world, if you like, your persona, what you look like and your core essence, which is your sun sign. So I would then say, if I knew the rising sign of someone, then you've got the chart, full chart. So I would say do you have people in your family? What are their main sun signs? Are they? What are they? What are they? Partners, children, friends. What signs of the zodiac are they? Because of the strong preponderance and that we can usually work out the rising sign and then we've got the chart yeah, so I have.


I have quite a lot of paris cancer librans, sagittarians um. My friends tend to be Libran or Aquarius yeah, all air with the Gemini.


Do you know if it's night or day, your time of birth? Night or day, I don't know.


I could ask and get the information um. I don't know how precise information. I don't know if it will be down to the you know the minute and the hour, but it I'm sure.


I'm sure my mum would say she might know actually well, do you ask while you can, you know literally, do you ask while you can your parents. I didn't realize. I thought maybe you couldn't find out.


It's just something I'm not aware of.


That was all just yeah, just be a detective and say, well, what sort of time, what was tea time in those days and when dad came home from work, or what was that sort of time? You can ask questions. Most people don't know it to a minute, so, getting a rough idea, we can do a lot of work yeah, I don't remember my children's to the minute one of the we completely missed.


We were in the induction room and so we couldn't see the clock at that point. So I know with Kitty, we we kind of roughly guessed what time it was, but I know with the other two, and I know I've spoken with you, I um, it's interesting because you'd said about, the moment of birth is when you take that first breath. They gave my mum the choice as to what birthday I had, because my head came out at two minutes to midnight on the 21st and then the rest of me came out at two minutes past midnight whilst they uncoiled the coil around my neck.


Yes, so um, well, of course, in terms of like three or four minutes, I could apply at any time during the day, and that would be a very close guess on your rising degree. Um, what would your, your family were curious about was what actual date you were born on, which is something different. Um, if, with the head was out, you breathed. That was your first breath, that was your moment, but it depends if you breathed after that you can celebrate two birthdays really.


Yeah, put that forwards, as they're right. I have two birthday.


You'd be like the queen and have them both together and just celebrate for the whole two days. Oh, we should say the king now, shouldn't we really?


I assume he has two birthdays. Anyway, I digress.


So are there any hacks or or tips or tricks that we can use astrology to really enhance our well-being?


Sure, there's lots of articles written about it, there's moon diaries, you know, they're fairly simple, straightforward calendar. Once you know what the element of fire means, which you probably do, what the element of earth means or air or water you get a feeling of when the moon's in a particular fire, earth, air, water day. Will it be more ponderous, will it be more flowing, will it be more retreat time, will it be more active, will it be more chatty, and then you can work with that. So I think, again, the moon is the easiest one. But when the sun enters a new sign which it is roughly round about the 21st but varies from month to month Again that's easy to find out Then you can work with that principle as well.


If the moon is in our star sign, so you said it's in aquarius at the moment. If it, when it does go into gemini, are there benefits to us, as you know, being gemini's when the moon is in in our star?


sign, just looking to when it was last and when it will be. Remember what I said, though it can be when the when the moon is on your own moon near to that degree, you can actually feel a little bit off kilter. You don't always feel that strong energetically, okay. And then, once a year, the sun, wherever it is, will be on your moon and so the sun will be. Whatever your moon sign is, the sun will be on your moon, and that can be a day when you feel a bit oversensitive, because new moon day, sun and moon together anyway, once a month. Um, we can actually feel we take things too personally, or other people tell us we take things too personally. It's quite subjective, although people born on a new moon can really think outside the box. They're great at brainstorming. They'll get an idea which you wouldn't have thought of.


That's really interesting and full moon times are really ones bringing things to public attention. In times gone by, you know, when there were no light, electricity, an event would take place at a full moon, when there was more light, particularly obviously an outdoor one, and if you wanted to be a spy or be under the radar, you would choose a dark moon time around the new moon just before to, you know, to use that kind of activity. But the next, yeah, because the moon's just leaving and we'll be leaving Capricorn we're looking at. Oh yeah, this is a book called an ephemeris it looks complicated.


So for people listening to the podcast, and we'll have to put a link in the show and it's just signs and degrees and everything.


That's what I used to use before computers came along, and now you can get a program and tap in your date of birth and everything and it'll give you a readout even, but it's not going to be the same as a personal one. So the moon is next going to be in Gemini, just after the new moon in May. On the 9th of May, yeah, new moon's in Taurus, and the next day, on the 9th of May, it'll be in Gemini. It'll be like, at nighttime, at the beginning of the day, catherine, it'll be near your own sun, and for you, julie, it's going to be more the following day, on the 10th, and towards the evening you'll feel that influence more so. So the moon will be crossing your sun, the moon will reflect the sun the whole time. They do work well together, but it is a time of being more sensitive to how you're feeling, your moods, your responses to matters.


Okay, amazing, it's a good time getting in of seeding and then letting it take it. You know that kind of thing, yeah, so that's that one, and then um the following one just to give you. That is on the 5th of June in the morning and carries on until that's interesting until lunchtime on the Friday, the um 7th. It's a longer one.


So again, you can take note of those things they might be times that we feel maybe sensitive or maybe just a little bit stuck or that sort of feeling.


Yeah, a pull between exposure of things and feeling more private, more sensitive to things, perhaps being more subjective about things. But remember, in late May, early June, jupiter will 12-year cycle enters, gemini crosses your sun and next year, julie, it'll cross yours.


And the magic happens next year?


Yeah well, this time next yearie it'll cross yours next year. Yeah well, this time next year, bruv.


Yeah actually round. About october, jupiter gets 21 of gemini, gets very close to your sun sign, julie. You'll feel something around about that time. But then it retrogrades, appears to move backward, which purely means the planet is slowing down in relation to the speed of earth. That's why so the degrees look as though they're going back. Um. So yes, you can get a lot of information online about your own chart, but a lot of it's too general. There are a lot of people now who do this and say they're doing a bit of astrology, and I think they're causing quite a bit of damage at times because they don't know how to work with people. They don't know how to synthesize the 2000 or so variables in one moment in time, certainly on the day of birth, many more. So I think there is something about experience, learning it properly. People don't have to come to me, but people like me who've done it a while, like to come to you, your son.


How can they, how can they find you? How can they get in touch with you?


well, I've got a website, wwwizancom, so it's izancom, yeah, and I write a blog and, um, yeah, I've got a lot of little. I will have this one on there YouTubes and podcasts and so on on my website.


So if anybody wants to come and just listen to your lovely voice. They can.


They can do that on youtube I do have a question actually, around going back to the moon and because we were speaking about the moon, a menstrual cycle do you think there's a difference between how we're affected by it versus a man?


how the moon affects us. What men might disagree nowadays, mightn't they? They say they have their own mid-crisis, or whatever time of the month. Maybe they do. And the men my assessment was one example very, very sensitive to energies, feelings so, and women can be quite um left brain, quite objective. You know they don't show their feelings so much, they're quite private so but how do they feel? I think that's a very good question. I don't know if I can really answer that one. I think the moon affects both sexes in between. But some people are more lunar children. You know their moon is strong. They're born under the sign of cancer, which is ruled by the moon.


The moon has a prominent position in the birth chart. The moon is a major player. It's forming strong aspects to other planets. Okay, because, like a full moon is 180 degrees apart sun and moon, so you've got 360 degrees. They're always going to form an angle to one another. But the ones which are like at 60, 90, 120, 180 are going to be very strong players in one's birth chart. And if you've got a lot of those with the moon, you're going to be very lunar oriented. Um, so whether you're a man or woman, certainly the moon rules the first seven years of life and your link with your mum and your matriarchal line and your inner home.


How do you like your first seven years of your life is is when you are basically a big intuitive sponge.


Yes, and the milk teeth come seven, so forth. I think you probably still do, but it is how you link with your mother and also your own mothering side. Do you allow yourself to be mothered, to be nurtured? How good are you doing that for people? And obviously do you have a strong maternal instinct? But it does show the matriarchal line of the family, not just your first. You know your mum, your actual mum.


But going back in time, some you may know about and some you don't the moon forms a strong angle to uranus as a very prominent grandmother who can be very instrumental in your life.


I've asked clients that and they say, oh yeah, my grandmother brought me up most of the time, or she was very different and thank god for that, you know, basically gave me the ideas I've got now. So but yes, definitely the matriarchal line, the kind of lives that women had and that conditioning you've taken on, which does create your own self-image now, and what your self-image is, how you see yourself, which is your moon sign, is eventually how other people see you. So that's something to look at so one can find out when it's moon sign again at a certain time on the two and a half day span. It will change signs, so knowing the time of birth can be very useful, but I work with the moon a great deal in terms of um endings, beginnings, culmination of things, particularly in business as well yeah, I mean, we had the most stunning full moon a few days ago.


We had a clear night. I don't know if it was the same way. You are your son, but my, my son, he's definitely a lunar child actually after what you've described. He always notices and he was just looking at it, just going, wow, you know, it was really big, did you see it?


yeah, I was in Eastbourne that day and we did go out and look at it. It was big and clear and sometimes it's closer to the Earth. We call that you know it's all this terminology, it doesn't really matter closer to the Earth and therefore it appears bigger, more orange. So, yeah, that was in Scorpio. That one, yeah, and the next one is so the new moon's coming up on May the 8th, remember, and the 9th is when the moon's on your suns in gemini, that's the, that's the kind of the start of the moon cycle.


Is that so you were saying earlier on? Is that so, just before that, when it's when it's very very dark. Is that the point?


you, because you were talking about um, like more spiritual things is that the sort of time that you'd be really trying to tune into your own intuition and and things like that taking time out to retreat retreat yourself, but great, and people definitely did in tribal communities and, um, you feel it? Oh, I'm doing that, and I really just wanted just to stay at home, go to an event, that energy is a bit quieter. I don't normally suggest a dark moon. The three days leading into the new moon is the best time for big events, so, and it's definitely a time for we'd liken that to the menstrual flow.


You know, that time of the month, whether it is or not, a lot of women do get their periods at, and I certainly did at the dark moon time. New moon at the dark moon term. New moon interesting because when, as I got to the menopause and I'd completed at 49, got nearer to that, I was on a three-week cycle and sometimes I was getting my period at the full moon and it really wasn't very comfortable at all because I wasn't used to it.


I can relate. I can relate to this at the moment because I am currently on a cycle of 22 23 days on a cycle of 22, 23 days and it just doesn't feel quite right.


No, it doesn't does it. That's another real subject.


It's done to itself and we talked on. In the moon episode. We talked about partying in the full moon, didn't we? Because you didn't sleep very well, so we figured we may as well party, yes, indeed full moon and also you do feel over the top.


You can feel, um, emotions seem to be higher. You know, just depends. It can be chaotic. So just a question of choosing it and the sign the moon is in the full moon because it's going to be in a different sign every month, um, and sometimes you get a blue moon once in a blue moon.


That's where that expression comes from. But no, I think everything is everything has its parts. It takes many parts to make a whole. So just as we have many parts within us and these actors that come on and off stage, so the cosmos has the same and we can see, in a way, the mirroring of events on Earth, the changes, and also how we feel collectively, how we link into all that. We feel collectively, how we link into all that.


But as I know you're both very much into the health side of things, I think working with the elements fire, earth, air and water, the distribution of them on a particular day, can be quite important to know what sort of exercise or not to take. Air signs the breathing. Gemini rules the shoulders and the arms and the hands. Aquarius is the lower limbs, libra is the hips where we balance ourselves. Fire signs we can maybe a little bit, maybe more accident prone. We can be impulsive suddenly and wonder why we trip, you know, or full start to something what's a Leo fire fire you hear that mum brilliant, yeah, but no, I'm just thinking.


When there's a lot of planets and fire signs, we're much more impulsive, but it's a good thing for burning off a lot of steam, you know. But do you remember what I said about the? Um, the waning moon, from full moon to new moon, like the second half the month, is really good for detoxing, fasting and, um, yeah, and you actually, even if you eat just as much or even more, you don't actually put on weight so much, you, you know, as a kind of decrease.


I'm trying to think about us, with our. So you said Gemini is arms and shoulders.


Hands. Yeah, dexterity, it's interesting, isn't it? Yeah, some brother. And if we go to it very briefly, aries rules the head. I'm not saying all Aries get headaches, but that could be to do with planets in Aries in their birth charts. It's not just the sun sign. Taurus is the throat. It's wonderful singers, musicians who are Taurians interesting.


I've got yeah, I've got lots of Taurus in my, in my star chart. I wonder because I often, I often talk about I mean I love singing. I won't I won't claim to be fabulous at it, but I love singing and it has helped me, along with this podcast. Actually, it's really helped me find my voice. But historically, I've often, I've often spoke about not um, speaking my truth and and being afraid to say things out loud.


So that's really interesting, that that's it really is, because that's your seat of authority, and when you've just been crushed, when you're young, people do it tend to end up having a lot of sore throats or, and you know, tonsil problems, because they you know, we all and I know I've had it in life where you just feel you can't talk, you've had a shock or something's happened and you lose your voice, even though it's perfectly capable of working.


Yeah, maybe you've just a minute or two, or maybe even from half a day, and so this is the authority of being able to be your own authority, which is a saturn planet influence as well, which has a 29 year cycle. So 29 58 are important years for really gaining that authority more, um, and knowing that the best authority is gentle but it's also firm. You know, we meet people who are like that we, you know, we respect them, don't we? And the ones who bluster and show off and they're really dominant, they've got a lot of fear inside, because control and fear can be two sides of the same coin. But that's the Taurus energy. There's a lot more to it than that, but I'm just mentioning it briefly. It's also the lungs, if you look at the organs, the lungs of the body, air breathing, because if you don't breathe.


We're both obsessed with breath work and I have a history of asthma, so yeah, it's, uh, very much the breasts.


It was other things which is being general now the stomach, leo, the heart and the spine, the upper spine, virgo, the digestive system and the bowel, how we digest life. How often do we eat when we're feeling stressed and we shouldn't really eat at those times if we can avoid it. Are we even conscious how we're eating or what we're eating? It's all about the digesting so with the bowel?


is it? Does it tend to mean that their bowel is very healthy or that they are prone to problems with it?


well, if a Virgo person with a lot of Virgo in their chart let me say a lot of planets in Virgo or quite a few it can be where they analyze too much you know they sweat the small stuff, yeah, they get perfectionist and therefore the stomach goes into knots can be a weak area. It's something just to be aware of. Basically, libra's, the kidneys, the hips, scorpio's, a reproductive and eliminative system, sagittarius, the thighs and pelvis really, and Capricorn you mentioned, with the knees, and Aquarius, the calves and the circulation and ankles. And Pisces, the feet. So that's very general but it is useful.


And if you've got, say, five planets in Pisces and one to an Aries, it's going to be. You're looking at both. But the sun is your core energy, just as it is the center of the solar system, so it's very much where you can draw your energy from and work on that pathway. The higher qualities, say, of Gemini, as well as knowing your strength, can be in communication, being a messenger and how you do it and the rest of the charts involved there, how you do it. Even somebody who can't speak, who's got mental illness or there's a disability to do with the brain and speaking, they can still communicate. It's many ways of looking at it yeah, that's so interesting you talk about.


Then with about speaking, you said about tonsils and I think probably one of the one of the main times in my life that I certainly didn't speak up and wasn't myself was in secondary school. It was very much. You know, keep your head down, stay in with the tribe that you've decided you're going to be safest with and don't rock the boat. And I had tonsillitis throughout that whole time and eventually after GCSEs I think just before I started college and actually left education completely that I eventually I got have my tonsils taken out, yeah, but yeah, very interesting that that whole time was really dominated with transolitis and your values.


If it's your authority, it's it's also your values as well, and and it's all about self-value and oh yeah, definitely wasn't respecting it at that point.


Well, venus for us, and it's very much about self-value, what you value. Um, it's a huge language. Obviously I'm only touching on it today and maybe too much information, or maybe not, but at least it gives your listeners and watchers an idea of how complex the subject is, but actually how simple we can make it once you're working with a person, with yourself. Just have to tap into these cycles, these rhythms, to trust your gut, trust your vibes. And you know, the 12 zodiac signs link with the four seasons and people see why just 12. Well, the Ptolemy's time, way back, they thought there were 48 constellations, now we know there's 88. But the 12 we work with are close to the ecliptic, the sun's path, and they divide into the four seasons of the year. So this is beautiful.


It's a nature cycle when people knock astrology and say well, you know how can that be to our signs? So you've got spring is Aries, taurus, gemini, summer is Cancer, leo, virgo, autumn is Libra, scorpio, sagittarius, and winter is Capricorn, aquarius, pisces. And the first start, the first sign of each of those seasons is what we call a cardinal, an initiatory one. The middle one is the fixed signs and the mutable moving onwards, like Gemini, literally a mutable, then connecting and moving to the next season. It's interesting, isn't it?


It's fascinating. I'm just thinking that we could talk about this for a very long time, but we know that you've got to go and, yeah, we need to wrap our episode up, really. But yeah, we could just carry on talking about this for all day, I think.


I think you have demonstrated how insanely knowledgeable you are, yassan. It's been a long while. You've had a long time to craft this. It's so incredible. So if you do like what you hear, do please go and find your son, follow her on youtube and facebook and we will make sure that we put all of the links in the show notes for you yeah, I think very, very much just to say thank you to you for, for you know, giving us your time.


We really appreciate it. It was lovely, very, enjoyable so grateful thank you and thank you bye-bye.


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