Far 2 Fabulous

The Stubborn Scale: Exploring Strategies for Overcoming Weight Loss Resistance

April 04, 2024 Julie Clark & Catherine Chapman Episode 13

Ever felt like the scale is your nemesis, no matter how hard you try to make peace with it? You're not alone, and we're here to shift that battleground to a place of holistic wellness and self-discovery. Join us, Julie and Catherine, as we unravel the complexity of weight loss resistance and redefine what it means to be truly fabulous. Weight loss isn't the destination; it's the scenic view along the journey to a healthier you. We're debunking calorie-counting myths, over-exercising fads, and exposing why BMI might just be telling you fibs about your health. And let's not forget, we dive into how your emotional landscape could be the unexpected contour affecting your body's map.

This episode is an expedition into the body's secret dialogues — how stress and emotions can translate into physical imprints like unwanted pounds or a sluggish metabolism. Discover the untold story of adrenal glands and their critical cameo in this narrative, and why your muscles deserve a standing ovation for their role in keeping your metabolic rate on a standing ovation-worthy performance. We're also lifting the curtain on the weight loss industry's obsession with cardio and why strength training deserves the lead role. Gut health, hydration, and fiber? They're the supporting cast you never knew your body needed for balance and wellness.

Finally, we're turning the spotlight on you — yes, YOU — and the importance of self-awareness in your wellness routine. We share our personal insights on maintaining a truthful food diary and confronting the aging myths that have us believing movement should slow down as we get older. We navigate through the post-COVID landscape that has rewritten our routines and stress the celebration of movement in its diverse and beautiful forms. So, if you're ready to embrace a life where fabulousness is measured beyond the scale, subscribe and join us every Thursday morning to step into your power. Let's make every step count together.

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For more information about Julie Clark Nutrition, click HERE
For more information about Catherine Chapman, click HERE

We look forward to you joining us on the next episode.


Welcome to Far Two Fabulous hosted by Julie and Catherine.


Join us on a mission to embrace your fabulousness and redefine wellness. Get ready for some feistiness, inspiration, candid chats and humour as we journey together towards empowered well-being. Let's dive in. So today we are talking about weight loss resistance. Lots of our clients mine and Julie's will come to us with that as their first complaint. Trouble problem, if you like. Now, just to put it out there right away, I know for me and I'm sure, absolutely sure for julie weight loss is never, ever, my primary goal. For any of my clients it is like a brilliant byproduct. So just to say that, however it is talked about lots, it is a problem for many, many people, and the big problem is that we do the same thing as we have always done and then we expect different results and unfortunately, our body has changed and we need to change with it. So the plan for today is to be able to look at things that you can do yourself to help this.


Yeah, I totally agree that it's never a primary goal for any of my clients to lose weight. It's always a nice positive side effect of nourishing yourself and energising yourself and all of that kind of things. And the scales are just an indication of your relationship with gravity. That number love that that number doesn't really mean anything. It's how you feel about yourself is more important than any number on any scales. And how much power do we give the number on the scales?


yeah, absolutely, just as an interesting side to that, whilst I have been training very, very hard for the marathon I we're nearly done. I will stop mentioning it, although we have just hit five thousand pounds in sponsor money at the time of recording so exciting the numbers on my and I've got a body composition scales.


So they tell me they don't just tell me overall body weight, they tell me my muscle mass in kilograms, they tell me roughly, they tell me my fat percentage. They tell me hydration, visceral fat, which for me is the most important number of all of them, absolutely so important, so important and and I have to tell you and I am, I am human and I am still a little bit tied up on these numbers, I am a little bit annoyed. They haven't moved very much.


However, my clothes fit better, I look different, I feel different, I feel knackered most of the time, I feel different in my body, and that is what is far more important than those numbers on the scale. And again, as we're talking about weight, we are generally talking about body fat. We're not talking about overall weight, because you could, you know, go and cut your hair, have a big wee and a poo, and you will have lost lots of overall body weight. And is that your goal?


I don't think so. No, I must just mention about the bmi as well do we?


we might throw things across the room. It might get really messy I cannot stand that measurement.


It can be so wrong. Yeah, that measurement. So if you've been categorized in a certain range for bmi, please just ignore that. It's not telling you anything about how much muscle you've got, no, how much fat you've got, it's just oh yeah, no, absolutely.


If you are a numbers person, if you are driven by that and actually I don't encourage I encourage you to let go of that completely Something like a body composition scale is far more useful, because you get to unpick that one big number at the top. That literally means nothing.


Yeah, exactly Okay. So what are we going to go through first with this weight loss? So we've got these clients coming to us and you may be one of them that you want to lose weight. There's nothing wrong with wanting to look and feel good, but just know that that number doesn't mean anything about you, but you do need some things to do to help you feel better about yourself, get your body in a healthier position. So what are we going to start with? Well, so what?


we'd always have done. Perhaps. Well, I don't know about you, but for me I would have just dropped the calories, I'd have probably increased the exercise, and when I was younger that probably would have worked. And we try and do that now. And number one it doesn't work. And number two it's completely detrimental. It does, in fact it does the opposite, doesn't it?


yeah, I, I call it the punishment, punishing yourself because you don't like the way you look in the mirror. So therefore, you, yeah, you reduce your calories, although we also need to mention the fact that the calories in, calories out, is just a load of rubbish. Oh shit, yes, exactly that. But yeah, we, we start to reduce how much we're eating and we just go mad and do far too much exercise. And what do we do?


we put our body in stress exactly, and so this is one of the reasons. Again, it's like a cycle. It's one of the reasons then it doesn't work, because if we are low in mood, we are, we're down on ourselves, maybe we suffer with anxiety, maybe we suffer with depression. These are all things that will prevent us from releasing this weight that we want to.


Yeah, I think we often get confused about what stress actually is. And stress to your body is restricting your food coming in, it is running late for something, it is having a relationship issue, it is having a mental health issue. All of that is a stress on the body and that directly impacts how your body responds. It will produce hormones to keep fat on you because it wants to protect you yeah, absolutely yeah.


When you're you're constantly in that fight and flight, it's got to have an impact on you yeah, and getting up in the morning and looking in the mirror and being horrible to yourself is a stress as far as your body's concerned oh, without a doubt, and your poor old body has got no idea what everybody on instagram looks like and you think that you want to look like and that you put some sort of meaning about the person that you are in reflection to the person that you think that you want to look like on some instagram or magazine back in our day.


Yeah, and we all, we all know that those photos are photoshop. They're, they're adjusted, they've got filters on. It's not the real world, and I would love to know what it was really like before we were able to weigh ourself, or even have a mirror. I wonder what it was like before then.


Yeah, pondering now how interesting is that?


yeah, how would your life be right now if you didn't have a mirror or any weighing scales?


quite like that idea yeah, my mascara would be up around my ears anyway, but how refreshing would that be.


Yeah, and it's not it. We've not had scales for that long. Really can't remember when they're introduced, but yeah, it's we've had. We haven't had them for long that's really interesting, isn't it?


now you were saying something really interesting about trauma in the body yeah, so if we've had any trauma and it could be that we've gone through a divorce or we've lost our job, or it could be trauma when we were a child because that's that again from the body is perceived as a major threat. It's very hard for your body to let go of weight if you can't let go of what happened.


Yeah, so again highlighting the fact that the self-care, the self-love, is the first thing that you need to do, rather than that restriction or the punishing yourself with the exercise.


Yeah, exactly works, is that if we constantly tell ourselves I am fat, for example, your brain thinks that's what you are and we'll make sure that you are yeah, absolutely those.


Yeah, there's those negative affirmations that you say to yourself all of the time. It it takes them in. And even if you're saying it about somebody else if you're, if you're critical about the way that somebody else looks, your brain, your subconscious doesn't know that you are talking about somebody else. It just internalises it about yourself and then creates the proof that that is right.


Yeah, exactly, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, right. All the time we're doing that to ourselves. So we definitely got to work on that mindset side and I'm sure you do that with your clients, catherine, as much as I do with mine. As hard as it is to be able to turn those words around and be kind to yourself, especially if you are, you know, a few stone heavier than perhaps is your comfortable way and you are looking in the mirror, being down on yourself or comparing yourself to others, just start by finding something about yourself that you like your eyes are nice, I don't know, you've got nice feet, whatever it is and start, and start there instead of just hating on yourself oh absolutely, absolutely again, just knowing that a lot of this is not your fault if it's that you didn't know some of the stuff that we're about to tell you.


Again, with the impact of social media, when people make it look like an overnight success, that they've dropped 100 stone and fl'm flouncing out in chiffon which you know is not true and you're looking at that, thinking why can't I do this? Why is this not working? Again, release that it's not your fault and there are things that you can do. They just happen to be different to what you have always done, so things like medical conditions and medication always also have an impact on this.


Yeah for sure. So the first thing to look at and it is something that I would look at with my clients is if they are on medication is to just look at what the side effects are. Is it a medication that is known to increase weight? That's really important. And then you've got medical conditions that will certainly impact weight. The thyroid is a classic one. The thyroid is really susceptible to emotional trauma. So if you've had emotional trauma, what happens is your body will again try to protect you by slowing everything down, by conserving its nutrients, its energy. It will slow your metabolism down. So thyroid issues are very common as well. Actually, and this goes back to our our legs on our chair, because there is a direct relationship between the adrenals, your stress, your blood sugars and the thyroid. They kind of all work together. So when you're under stress, the thyroid will slow down. When you're under stress, your body will push your sugars up. That is a recipe for weight gain yeah, absolutely.


And what do you want to do at those points in time? Eat all of the things that are not helpful to you no, you're just you're.


You're craving and you can't use your willpower at this point because this is a physiological thing. It's your body, literally, is getting ready to run or fight, and so it's got to fuel itself in order to do that. So it will push the sugars out into the blood and it will make you eat more sugar in order to produce more energy.


Yeah, really. So knowing that, knowing that these stresses on your body are part of the story that you then have the power to do something about, is really, really powerful. You've just talked about metabolism. Now our metabolism does drop down as we get older but does it though, but it also drops down with our muscle mass.


Yes, yes, so is it? Does it naturally drop because we get older or does it naturally drop because we're not working on building our muscles?


I, yeah, I think it's a chicken and egg thing our muscle mass does from the age of about 30. How scary is that? It starts to decrease if we do nothing. So like, our baseline starts to decrease. So from we need to be always, please, but from 30, we need to be really, really mindful of weight training and muscle mass and movement.


Yeah, exactly. But what do most people do when they want to lose weight? They go the other way and they go cardio crazy. Yeah, absolutely. And the more cardio you do, what do you think, when it comes to the food that you then crave, what do you think you would want to eat after you've done a lot of cardio?


well, I know what I want to eat after I've done lots of cardio and it's got a mars and a bar in the front of it. Oh, it makes a chocolate. There we go sugars and fats. Yeah, absolutely yeah, no, it's really interesting. And when you build that muscle mass it makes you a lean, mean calorie burning machine. You have got much more to power just stood there when you have got more muscle mass.


So it's a win-win. Yeah, it is a win-win. And it is true that muscle weighs more than than fat. So, again, working with clients who want to look at the number on the scales even though we don't encourage that they will often see their weight either stay the same or go up, despite the fact that they're losing inches.


Yeah, absolutely which is just as an aside is when you have popular weight loss clubs, shall we say. Many of them I don't know if this is the case now, but historically didn't encourage you to exercise, particularly with weights and resistance, because potentially your weight went up and that's no good for business.


No, exactly, and they also kept the fats really low, which is a whole other topic that we can discuss.


Oh, we really need to attack the fats definitely, and the whole ridiculous story around them. Yeah, definitely. Hold on to your hats for that one people, oh my goodness, yes, the fats definitely, and the whole ridiculous story around them. Yeah, definitely there. So hold on to your hats for that one people, oh my goodness, yes. So another thing, and this is our.


julie's gonna get really excited now when I say this another thing is poor gut health yeah, this is such a massive, massive subject. Again, gut health might have to do an entire episode on this at some point.


But a lot of the times when I'm running tests for people that have got, you know, stubborn weight and they've done all the other things and it's not working, is we got to look at gut health. How much bad bacteria is in that gut? How much does it weigh? It weighs a lot, but that is your, your, your factory of taking in the things that you need and getting rid of waste if there's any problems in the gut and especially if you've got constipation if you're someone who suffers with constipation.


This letting go of everything, yeah is often a huge issue.


Yeah absolutely yeah, so an increase in your fibre intake will really help with that.


Yeah, absolutely. And hydration we must talk about hydration Absolutely, because this is a classic one. This is one of the easiest ways to get your body to function better is to drink more water.


Yeah, do you remember when julie was talking, we did the episode about the uh, the legs of a chair and you were talking about how hydration and how it kind of like oils the cogs to everything, everything.


So you've got. You've got water or fluids everywhere in your body. Each of your millions of cells has fluid inside and fluid outside. If you don't drink sufficient water, your kidneys have to retain sodium. Sodium makes things swell. So if you've got millions of cells in your body and each one of those has had to swell because you've not got enough water going in, therefore kidneys are having to conserve sodium and lose potassium, which isn't great.


Every single one of your cells is slightly bigger, so you get that puffy feeling that's so interesting and you just think like, with relation to things like dehydration and to gut health, we talk about playing on easy and these are things that you can do to to just literally oil your body, grease your body so that it can work properly. Imagine trying to get through the gut, trying to trying to get rid of all that waste and not being able to get through and just everything being slowed right down yes, sluggish, and when the thyroid slows down it impacts the gut.


So a side effect of having a slow thyroid is constipation, just compels this yeah, yeah, so up in your hydration can make a significant difference to that, and I think that's an easy one to do. It's a habit that can be formed. You can get an app. I get my clients to get an app on their phone that reminds them to drink water. One of the simplest ways, I think, still is to have a big bottle of water and just drink that before lunchtime, fill it up and drink it before dinner time. Anything other than that is a bonus, whether that bottle is a litre or two litres, whatever suits you. At least that's a start, and then that becomes a habit.


Yeah, absolutely I'm really concentrating on my hydration for these last two weeks before we run the marathon, and I am actually writing it down. I've printed out a sheet of paper. I've got a food journal in Vitality Rooms and I've printed that out and I am writing on there the fluid intake so that it is right at the forefront of my mind and it's really helpful. And I'm actually going to the toilet quite frequently at the moment. But this will balance out. So when you start to increase your fluid intake, don't think that you will be, because often that's you hear people say that I don't want to drink so much because I don't want to have to go to the toilet all the time. This will balance out after a week or two yeah, it does.


It does balance out because the body's clever, but it is such an important one when we're looking at weight loss. You've got to be hydrated if you want to lose weight and just function properly.


Yeah, absolutely. And so again, if we go back to those legs of a chair, the other one was sleep, sleep, sleep.


If you don't sleep, you, as well as impacting how much time your body has to clear out the waste and detoxify, it also directly impacts your hormones leptin and ghrelin. So these are the two two hormones that determine whether you're hungry or not. It basically down regulates the leptin hormone and up regulates the ghrelin, so you'll feel more hungry and you'll feel more hungry for the fats and sugars.


Yeah, absolutely. Leptin is our friend. That's the one that reduces the appetite, and so when that's not present, we're in danger area right from the word.


go through the beginning of the day. Yeah, it's very hard to stop eating when you've got downregulated leptin and you've got upregulated ghrelin and, unfortunately, because of the need to keep ourselves fuelled in a state where things weren't available, that balance between those two is not ideal for today's living.


yeah, no, absolutely, and again, this is not something that you are going to out willpower you're not going to win this, so again setting yourself up to win. Play on easy sleep as much as you need. Seven plus hours, please, let's not. I mean I'm I don't know, but I was going to talk about four hours sleep, but it's just I.


I can't see how anybody can function on that no, no, I certainly can't function and, as you know, catherine, I am like sleep is one of my absolute non-negotiables. I just will not, unless I had to. Last weekend, I had to get up at half past four in the morning on a Sunday and take my Japanese student to get her coach to the airport. That's unusual, that's horrible. Yeah, but I took, I went in my pajamas, came back, got back into bed but yeah sleep is just so crucial.


It's doing so many things for you, and if you're listening and you're someone that struggles with your sleep, start by looking at what you can control. I have this conversation so many times with my clients, and the amount of times that there's caffeine going in after midday they're watching tv in their bedrooms before sleeping. All of these things are not going to help you, no absolutely.


Yeah, it's so important and you had just touched on hormones in all of that. Hormones obviously play a big part in this yeah, absolutely so.


Estrogen is our growth hormone and a lot of the time we get that weight loss resistance as we're transitioning through perimenopause and menopause and that's because oestrogen will start to become the craziest of friends puts you into a growth period which you don't want. You haven't got progesterone to to balance that and so you can see your body shape change and your weight change without you changing anything else, and that's not something you can necessarily help at first, until you understand what's going on. Then you can do things to help that situation. But yeah, oestrogen, when we're, when we're changing from a young girl into a woman, we want that to come in. It's giving us a shape. We do not want the extra boobs at age 52, do we?


nobody wants that well, I don't know, I'd like some after all this training.


They've disappeared so, yeah, hormones play a key role and we are going to be doing an episode that really goes deep into hormones because we've got to look at the thyroid hormones. There's the stress hormones, but I think, understanding the hormones if you're stressed, your body's producing cortisol. Cortisol will lower the thyroid to protect you and will push up your insulin release because blood sugars have gone up. So if you wanted to increase your belly fat who wants to do that? But if you wanted to increase your belly fat, you would put insulin in, because that's your fat storing hormone, plus cortisol that's your stress hormone will give you your belly fat. So if we look at that in terms of food, if you eat fats and sugars on a regular basis, especially if you're snacking a lot, even if it's those bars that pretend to be healthy, they're not and you times that by stress you're going to get belly fat Absolutely and the other way around.


That works, because you're stressed, you're then to get belly fat absolutely and the other way around that works, because you're stressed, you're then eating those foods. It draws you to eat those foods.


It is a it's a perfect equation for belly fat yeah, and the more belly fat you've got, the more that fat tissue is able to help support oestrogen production. So therefore you get more oestrogen, which is growing more, and you go around in this vicious cycle so that whole situation increases cravings and then you get a bit stuck yeah, and this is.


And then this is often the point that people will come to us and say I'm doing everything that I can and nothing is working, and it's because you're doing the same things as you've always done, but now we have to deal with those fluctuating hormones. So hopefully there are some things here that you can do. Now we have touched, as we've been going around, on nutrition and vitamin deficiency and we, on the whole, kind of know what's good and bad for us. What can we do with regards to nutrition to balance this in our favour?


Yeah. So nutrition deficiencies are really significant here, because you need a certain amount of vitamins and minerals for your thyroid to work properly. So that's a key. Specifically saying one thing on a podcast, because everybody's individual and unique, but just write yourself a food diary. For goodness sake, be honest with yourself and look and say and see, am I nourishing myself or am I just eating a load of crap? Yeah, and it's, it's that awareness again?


yeah, am I in control of this, or am I just eating a load of crap? Yeah, and it's. It's that awareness again? Yeah, am I in control of this or am I just following where my hormones pull me?


yeah, exactly, but you know what? The amount of times that I will look at someone's food diary, they know themselves. It's so obvious you know they will have. For the most part, the breakfast is often not great, so we need to break our fast with something that isn't sugar loaded. Most breakfast is sugar loaded and that doesn't. It doesn't matter at what point of the day you have your breakfast, but you must break your fast with something that's going to give you some good nutrition, and sugar is not the answer there. So I'll see, breakfast isn't great.


Lunch is often a sandwich, dinner is normally pretty good, yeah, but then the snacks, yeah absolutely, and if you pay that just a little bit more attention to your nutrition and make sure that your body has everything that it needs, it's so much easier not to have the snacks exactly and if you've dealt with that, if you've really honestly looked at your food intake and you've been consistent.


You haven't done it for like a week and expected a miracle to happen, like it used to. Yeah, you've been consistent with it because you're working on your energy, on your bone strength, on you know you're not working on your weight, you're working on nourishing yourself and you do that over a period of weeks and you don't see a shift and you're hydrating yourself. Then look at how much stress is going on. Are you over exercising or under exercising? Yeah, what's your sleep like? Have you had trauma that needs dealing with? Are you taking medications? That's contributing to this? Have you got a medical condition that may be the cause of this? Do you need to go and get your hormones tested and fully understand what they're doing for you?


yeah, no, absolutely so. So much you can do and, as you can hear from what we've been talking about you, it isn't the same anymore. Your body doesn't react to the same anymore and, with all the stresses and strains of modern life, there is so much more going on. So don't just change one thing and then, when it doesn't work for a week, throw your toys out of the pram and decide that it's never going to happen for you. You need this body.


Fat has probably been accumulating for a little while and it's going to take a little while. Unfortunately, I hear your frustration. It's going to take a little while to fix it and it might be just one thing. It could be a simple fix. Imagine that it's probably a combination of the sleep, of the hydration, of the stress, of the nutrition, and the last thing to talk about, I think, is the movement. So often at this point, people will go and hammer the exercise, like we said, with the cardio, and then again that is your extra stress on your body, and then we start that whole stress cycle again.


That said, on the flip side, it could be that you are just not moving enough or you do that thing where you you have your class that you go to three times a week. So I'm doing my three hours exercise a week, but during the day for the other days I'm just sat at a desk and I haven't even gone to work. So now I work from home. Yeah, so I'm just sat at my desk all day and there's not any non-exercise activity yeah, absolutely.


I think we've touched on this before building this into your life. I said to Julie earlier on that I'm still not convinced that everybody is back up to the movement that they used to do before COVID. There's going to be plenty of people that are working from home. I don't do classes out and about anymore, I do them online, so there's not even that kind of parking and walking, any of those sorts of things, and if you're not in the office you don't have to go there or move around in the office. So it's definitely still a very different world and we have to make those adjustments somewhere else. Find those extra steps if that's something that motivates you to just get moving a little bit more in just in daily daily life.


Yeah, I mean, we don't even go to the shops anymore, do we? We just get it, we just do it on amazon. It arrives the next day. Yeah, it's. It's lots of things now that are very different to how we would have been yeah, how we would have moved before.


For sure, absolutely we don't even. We don't even bring the shopping in from the doorstep. The lovely delivery man will bring it into your kitchen for you. There's not even any weight lifting going on there.


No, I don't actually get my shopping delivered because I like to go and do it myself. You are a very strange lady, I quite it's easy for me because I only go around the outside of the supermarket anyway, so it's really quick to do that is when you're when you're actually looking for things that are quote unquote.


Good for you. There are actually only very few parts in the supermarket that you need to go to yeah, exactly.


It's about four aisles, yeah, of a supermarket that I need to go to. Yeah, exactly that's absolutely true.


Don't fall foul of the story that as you're getting older, you don't need to move as much.


This is, this is a lie it is a it is a lie. Who came up with that? Why wouldn't you want to move? We? We're going to do an episode about future proofing yourself, aren't we? Uh, you know things that you can do now in order to be able to do the basic things that you want to do when you're older and you've in. In order to do that, you've got to move.


You've got to move, yeah it's hugely associated with your longevity as keeping that movement going. So unless you are moving a heck of a lot, chances are you need to increase that again. Be mindful of it. It does again. You're not going to go and pound the pavements, or do I don't know? A two-hour HIIT class every day or something like that. You need to be mindful of it, but chances are you need to move more, yeah.


A lot of my clients are doing a lot of exercise and I have to advise them to go a bit easier on themselves and, in fact, a lot of the time I get people to eat more food. Yeah, seems ridiculous because we've got to be aware of portion size, but people don't always eat what they need for their body. And if you're in that starvation mode, what's your body going to do?


It's going to slow your metabolism down, make you crave sugar, absolutely yeah. So if you're eating the, the right stuff.


You actually need to eat a little bit more of it, yeah, and chew it.


It should be food that you chew, see, and that's that I thought about that earlier on, the whole kind of stress thing, the whole um digestion thing, not sitting down and eating it. We tend to, you know, throw a sandwich down our neck as we are running for the train or you know, I I've certainly been guilty of running out the house with a piece of toast hanging out of my mouth as I get in the car and that's certainly not good for any of any of the weight loss resistance is it?


no, certainly isn't. I must just mention about when you do your food diary include your drinks, because a lot of calories are in those drinks yes, yeah, absolutely, and it's so.


It's so incredible. When you see it written down in front of you in black and white, you're um you kind of sit there and go, oh yeah yeah, I think you need to.


When you're looking at weight loss resistance, you need to take a step back, look at the basics first and then, if you've covered those consistently and you're not getting the results, then you've got to dig deeper and look at things like is your blood sugar stable? What's going on with the thyroid? Are you in estrogen dominance? Has your progesterone reduced, you know? Have you got nutrient deficiencies? What's going on in the gut? There's lots of things that you can look at, but you've got to start with the basics yeah, and just please, please, please, be super, super kind to yourself.


Just because you are holding on to a little bit of extra weight does not have any correlation to the sort of person you are. You are still an absolutely wonderful, wonderful human being that's worthy of your love and everybody else's absolutely well said.


Please do not let that number on the scales dictate how you feel about yourself every day. If you do, if you're someone that has that negative relationship with the scales, please just throw them out throw them out, have a ceremony, jump on them until they break, because there's absolutely no benefit to standing on there and having that feeling of just despair and resentment and hate for yourself yeah, it just means I love, I love your.


Um you're talking about. It's just your relationship with gravity, just your relationship with gravity. Yeah, yes, if you leave it with nothing. Remember that, please, and just yeah. Love on yourself and the weight loss is just an added byproduct to all of the other things you can do for yourself. Thank you for keeping us company today. If you enjoyed the podcast, don't forget to subscribe and leave a review.


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Thursday morning. Make it a fabulous week and we'll catch you in the next episode.